If you attended session one of the three-session series, Black in Sharon, and haven't yet filled out the Feedback Survey, please take the opportunity now!
We look forward to seeing you at the
Sunday, August 16, 4-6 pm
This session will be a webinar in which Black people who visit, live, learn, or work in Sharon share their experiences of racism here. This session will not include discussion. Participants will engage as listeners in this format and will have an opportunity to share about what they
heard later, during Session 3 - Community Conversation.
Webinar ID: 874 8125 2154
Passcode: 092265
Please do not share the Zoom links!
We recommend downloading the Zoom app if you do not have it already, and signing in in advance.
Check out these Tips for Listening
Here are the details again:
If you plan on attending additional sessions than you originally registered for, please register for those as well. If more than one person from the same house is attending, only one person needs to register.
We will ask minors (participants under 18) to identify themselves to the moderators at the Post-session so that they are not sent to break out rooms with adults. All minors will participate in a large group discussion with Adult facilitators from SPN and SREA. Parents who choose to have minors sitting with them are expected to assume responsibility for them.
Contact equity.realism@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Here are the Post Session Options: Post-Session (option 2) August 24, 11-1 pm: https://zoom.us/j/95420947716?pwd=ZFpYY1V1REM5bWRNSjNXNVdTUjJxZz09
Meeting ID: 954 2094 7716
Passcode: 987051
If you will be calling in instead of using Zoom, the phone numbers for each session are at the bottom of this mail.
Guidelines for Participation
Speak for yourself and from your own experiences.
Listen with an open heart and mind. No interrupting.
Be respectful. No abusive language or personal attacks.
Consider sharing your thoughts and experiences.
Be considerate of other participants’ thoughts and experiences.
Keep confidential what others share during discussions.
Please do not record any part of this program.
Tech Notes:
Closed captioning will be provided. There will also be facilitators offering tech support during the session. An orientation to Zoom will be provided for the participatory sessions.
Confidentiality Notes:
Pre-Session and Post Session: The only sections of these sessions which will be recorded are those made by session facilitators. Sharing within break out groups or larger group settings will not be recorded.
Listening Session: As this is in Webinar format, only the scheduled speakers will be seen and heard.
Full program description:
Black in Sharon: Acknowledging and addressing racism in Sharon
A collaboration of the Sharon Racial Equity Alliance and the Sharon Pluralism Network to create opportunities in our community that raise awareness about racism, build understanding, embrace respect between people, and promote racial equity.
The focus of this 3-part series is a listening session, in which Black people who live, learn, visit, or work in Sharon share their experiences of racism here. The pre- and post-sessions are meant to lay the groundwork and provide an opportunity to have a community conversation. There is no requirement that participants attend the pre- or post-sessions in order to attend the listening session. Closed captioning will be provided.
Thursday, August 13, 7-9 pm
This session, led by members of Sharon Pluralism Network and Sharon Racial Equity Alliance will lay the groundwork for the next 2 sessions and will focus on:
Why NOW is the time to challenge racism and create true and lasting equity and inclusivity, both in the town of Sharon AND the nation. This is particularly true for Black people who have endured a culture of whiteness and Institutionalized racism for centuries.
How to get the most out of the listening session on August 16th and then process what you have heard.
Why building personal relationships is so important. After a short video, we will break out into small groups where you will be invited to share with at least one other participant why you have attended and/or your reaction to the video.
Plans for future opportunities to continue doing the important work of listening, self-education and action (Book Clubs, Ted Talk Discussions. etc.)
Participants will receive an additional email between the Pre-Session and the Listening session with Tips for Listening and a link to a feedback survey. MAIN SESSION: LISTENING TO BLACK VOICES Sunday, August 16, 4-6 pm This session will be a webinar in which Black people who visit, live, learn, or work in Sharon share their experiences of racism here. This is not a space for discussion. Participants will engage as listeners in this format and will have an opportunity to share during Session 3 - Community Conversation. POST-SESSION: COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS Sunday, August 23, 4-6 pm or Monday, August 24 at 11 am-1 pm. After some introductory framing and remarks, participants will be invited to engage in small group break-out rooms to share the thoughts, feelings and reactions that arose for them during the Listening Session. The discussions in these break-out rooms will be facilitated by members of Sharon Pluralism Network and Sharon Racial Equity Alliance. We will conclude the session by providing information on future programming and explore where we can go from here. Two sessions are being offered so that participants can come on Sunday afternoon OR Monday morning. Call-in Information Listening Session August 16, 4-6pm +13126266799,,87481252154#,,,,,,0#,,092265# +16465588656,,87481252154#,,,,,,0#,,092265# Post-Session 1 August 23 4-6pm +13017158592,,84960190431#,,,,,,0#,,338815# US +13126266799,,84960190431#,,,,,,0#,,338815# US Post-Session 2 August 24 11am-1pm +16465588656,,87113725828#,,,,,,0#,,811475# US +13017158592,,87113725828#,,,,,,0#,,811475# US